6 Tips To Save Energy When Using Your Computer And Laptop
Computers and laptops are now a part of everyday living whether we like it or not. However, you don’t have to suffer from skyrocketing bills every month because of them too. Here are some tips that can help you save energy while enjoying the convenience of technology in our daily life.
1. Think Small
Are you still using desktops whether at home or at work? Time to switch to a laptop! This will be more energy saving for you because desktops consume more energy compared to laptops.
2. Upgrade
On the other hand, if you’re already using laptops, you might wanna consider upgrading to a newer and more energy-efficient version of it. This way you’re not only treating yourself with a gadget upgrade but you could also be helping the planet at the same time.
Speaking of upgrade, if you’re having issues with the services you’re paying at inflated price and on time, then time to look for a better energy provider too! You don’t have to settle with an electricity supplier here in Singapore that doesn’t meet your needs and money’s worth when you can always find a better one with the help of BillCheap. All you have to do is type in how much energy you use and your average monthly bill, and then you’ll be able to compare energy deals from different provider in order to get the best on for you.
3. Use Voltage Optimization Products In Your Home Or Office
If you want to make the most of your electricity and use it as efficiently as possible, then it might be worthwhile to install an energy saving unit in your home or office to power your laptop, computer, printer, etc. Although these have quite a high initial outlay, in the long-run they save money and significantly cut down emissions.
4. Switch It Off
This is probably the advice that you’ve heard of before but it definitely bears repeating since most people still fail to do it—switch your gadgets and electronics off when you’re not using them! Nowadays, turning off computers have become almost effortless so that you’re less likely to leave them on. Remember that letting it running when you’re not using it is wasting more energy than using it for a long time.
5. Make Use Of The ‘Sleep’ Mode
So you need to get of your laptop for a bit but you plan on getting back to it right away? Most laptops have power-saving setting that allows you to cut down on energy usage as well as bills without turning it off every time you have to be away from your laptop for 5 minutes. This is usually called either ‘sleep’ or ‘hibernate’ and will turn off the monitor after a specified period of inactivity. With an old tube/CRT monitor, this can cut energy usage by up to 50%.
6. Don’t Leave Them On Overnight
If you’re done for the day, then there’s no reason for your computer to be on overnight. Unless computers can now magically do your work for you then by all means do so. But until then, always turn off your machine and any peripheral devices, such as your printer and scanner, before you climb into bed.
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