7 Tips To Stay Safe During Unexpected Power Outages

electricity retailers here in Singapore
Power outages can be frustratingly inconvenient, but it can’t be helped especially during natural calamities. On the other hand, if the power goes out all the time even when there’s no typhoon or anything like that, maybe it’s time you consider switching to a better energy provider. You can find other electricity retailers here in Singapore with the help of BillCheap. All you have to do is type in how much energy you use and your average monthly bill, and then you’ll be able to compare energy deals from different provider in order to get the best one for you

Meanwhile, to keep you and your family safe during unexpected power outages, here are some tips that can help you.

1.      Avoid Downed Power Lines
This is especially dangerous if it has been raining since we all know water and electricity don’t mix. So whenever you see downed power lines, always assume they’re energize, keep your distance from it and call your energy provider’s hotline as they’d know how to handle the situation best.

2.      Reduce The Risk Of Fires
It’s natural to scramble for any other source of light when the power goes out unexpectedly. However, try to stay calm and alert. If you have flashlights, better to use that. Candles may potentially cause fire when left unattended. On that note, always keep flashlights and fresh batteries in your emergency kit for this kind of situation.

3.      Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Avoid using generators and BBQs indoors. If really need to especially during power outages, take them outside to make sure carbon monoxide that they release do not get trapped inside the house and lead to poisoning.

4.      Turn Off Stove
If you we’re using the stove when the power was cut off, the first thing you need to remember to do is to turn it off. More often than not, people forget to do this because they’re in a hurry to find a backup source of light. As a result, once the power is restored, the stove comes back on which puts you in risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and increases risk of fire.  

5.      Be Water Smart
Always have clean water stored in your house for times like this. This way, if the water source is temporarily unsafe to drink, you don’t end up panic buying for drinking water.

6.      Let The Weather Guide You
During power outages, you won’t be able to use air conditioner or heater to help you make the temperature in the house more comfortable. So, you’ll have to pay attention to the weather. If the weather is hot, stay cool and hydrated. If the weather is cold, layer up clothing and blankets to keep body heat in.

7.      Practice Food Safety

Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. A full freezer will keep food safe for up to 48 hours. That number drops to 24 hours if the freezer is half full. Remember: If in doubt, throw it out.


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