10 Tips to live a more eco-friendly life
Maintaining a home doesn’t have to mean inflicting hazard to the environment or to our health. Here are some tips that will help you manage your household in a healthier manner.
1. Discover Greener Options When It Comes To Energy Provider
If you have the option to purchase renewable energy, go for it! Since they generate energy without releasing carbon emissions, which is better for the environment than traditional fuel sources, they’re also better for human kind in the long run.
You don’t have to settle with an electricity supplier here in Singapore that doesn’t meet your needs and money’s worth when you can always find a better one with the help of BillCheap. All you have to do is type in how much energy you use and your average monthly bill, and then you’ll be able to compare energy deals from different provider in order to get the best one for you.
2. Opt For Organic And Fresh Foods
Pesticides and toxic chemicals used in some produce can lead to serious health issues when ingested. This is the reason why it’s important to avoid them and make sure you’re only buying organic and fresh vegetables, fruits, and even whole grains.
3. Be Mindful Of The Ingredients In Your Personal Care Products
Personal care products are part of our everyday routine which we are applying directing to our skin. So if we’re not careful, we could be using soap, lotion, or powder that is carrying some contaminants that may lead to diseases in the future.
4. Avoid Plastic As Much As Possible
Plastic is an amazing invention, but we use so much of them without knowing how to dispose them properly or limit the usage. So they often end up in landfills when they’re not even biodegradable. If you cannot avoid using them, you should at least limit it. There are so much trash already, let’s try not to contribute to that. Reduce, reuse, and recycle plastics, or better yet ditch them and opt for reusable cloth bags instead.
5. Keep Your Hands Clean
We know that it’s important to wash our hands before and after meals. Aside from that we also wash in between in order to keep them clean because we touch a lot of things and harbor bacteria from those. Encourage everyone in the family to keep their hands clean.
6. Avoid Fire Retardants
Did you know that furniture, electronics, even baby products contain fire retardants that can cause damage in reproductive system, as well as cause deficits in motor skills, learning, memory, and behavior? I guess that says a lot on why you should reduce your exposure to such substance.
7. Go Back To Stainless Steel Cookware
Non-stick pans are the thing these days because they’re convenient to use and clean. However, the downside is that the Teflon emits toxic fumes when overheated. We end up inhaling those fumes where we could develop flu like symptoms. Stainless steel and cast iron cookware maybe a little hard to clean but if your health is at stake, what’s a little sacrifice right?
8. Free Your Home From Dusts
This is not just for those with family members suffering from breathing problems and allergies. Dusts carry toxic elements too, depending on the circumstances you live in. Nevertheless, it’s important to vacuum at least once a week so dust don’t pile up.
9. Choose Eco-Friendly Detergents And Cleaning Supplies
You may not realize that you’re throwing harmful chemicals in the soil, bodies of water, or plants while cleaning your home. Why should cleaning your house cause damage when you have the option not to? Vinegar, baking soda, and borax are great alternative for conventional cleaning products.
10. Drive Fuel-Efficient Car Or Better Yet Drive Less
Air pollution nowadays have become so alarming, especially in industrialized area. What you can do to lessen or not participate in that is opt for fuel-efficient car. A car that uses less gas at least makes less emission and helps the fuel economy. But for those who truly wanna push the organic lifestyle further, then drive less. Use your bicycle if it’s just around the corner, use public transportation, or walk if your house is just a couple of blocks away from your work
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