Tips To Save Energy When Using Your Washer And Dryer

Run the washing machine only when you have the maximum clothes that it can fit to avoid frequent washing which ultimately uses too much water, energy, and detergent.
Nowadays, it can be pretty inconvenient to hand wash your clothes all the time because it takes so much time and it can be pretty tiring. But utilizing your washing machine doesn’t have to mean washing away your money on bills too! Just try to maximize every use. Run the washing machine only when you have the maximum clothes that it can fit to avoid frequent washing which ultimately uses too much water, energy, and detergent.

Washing Machine
Since this is the first step you take when washing your clothes, it’s important that you start the energy saving from here.

·         Select The Proper Temperature
Using either hot or cold water to wash your clothes only depends on the stain your clothes have. Having said that the only reason you’d ever want to wash in warm or hot water is if there’s grease or oil on your clothes. Otherwise, you’re just wasting money and causing extra pollution because using hot water to wash clothes all the time requires more energy.

·         Always Wash Full Loads
When using your washer, try to get into the habit of maximizing it. For example, run the machine only when you have the maximum clothes that it can fit. This practice prevents frequent washing of very little clothes which uses too much water, power, as well as detergent.

·         Turn Off The Extra Rinse Cycle And Turn On The Eco-Boost (If Your Washer Is Equipped)
Most modern washers work well enough that turning on settings like the “extra rinse” doesn’t actually get your clothes any cleaner, instead, it just costs you more money. Do yourself a favor and turn off the extra rinse, but while you’re at it, be sure that the eco-boost function is turned on. Many modern washers have this feature built in and by turning it on you’ll help to ensure that your washer is running efficiently.
Clothes dryer can definitely be convenient, especially during rainy days when it’s extremely difficult for the clothes to dry. However, we cannot deny that it also consumes a lot of energy when using it, therefore costs you money. Aside from that, it also shortens your clothes lifespan because your clothes are practically being shredded to bits every time you dry them using this appliance.

If you wanna cut back energy consumption and save money, plus prolong your clothes condition here are some tips to do this effectively.
·         Clean The Lint Screen Between Uses
Your dryer works by pumping heated air into a drum where your clothes are being constantly turned and rotated, thus forcing the moisture out of your clothes. Your dryer then passes the moisture being removed from your clothes out a vent. However, that moisture will take with it little pieces of your clothing (aka lint) and that lint will eventually build up on the screen. When this happens the dryer has to work harder to push that heated air through its system, and thus uses more energy and costs you more money.

·         Use A Lower Heat Setting
Unless you really need to wear that shirt or dress right away, the regular setting is enough to dry your clothes. No need to turn the temperature up. This then lessens energy consumption which will save you money in the long run.

·         Use The Moisture Sensor Setting (If Your Dryer Is Equipped With One)
This feature allows your dryer to determine if your clothes are still moist or not. This way, your dryer will automatically turn off if it can no longer detect moisture. As a result, your dryer doesn’t keep running for a full hour if your clothes are already dry after 30 mins.

·         Dry Your Clothes For Less Time
If your dryer doesn’t come with the moisture sensor setting, try this. If you usually run your dryer for an hour, try setting it for 40 minutes at first. After that, check your clothes. Usually that’s enough time for them to dry especially if the fabrics aren’t thick. But if they’re still damp, continue running it for 10 minutes more. After all, you can always add dry time, you can’t take it away. The 10 minutes you saved from drying can really add up and make a huge difference in your energy consumption.

This may not seem much but even a few clothes dryer uses that you get to forgo can make a difference in your monthly bill. Besides, even if you switched electricity retailer here in Singapore, it can only do so much. You still have to make adjustments in your daily energy consumption if you wanna minimize the cost.


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