Top 10 Household Essentials

Every household is unique with different needs and different wants. But I guess we can all agree that some things should be non-negotiable. Here are some basics that can turn a house into a home.

1.      Natural Light
The brighter your home is, the perkier the mood of everyone living in it becomes. Aside from that, the more natural light penetrates a home, the less you need to switch on your lights especially when it’s not really that dark outside, so you get to save on electricity too.

However, if you’re still struggling to keep your monthly electric bill down despite utilizing natural light as much as possible and other household adjustments in your energy consumption, maybe it’s time  to  look for a better electricity provider. Utilities are one of the major expenses that eat up most of your salary every month. This is why every way you can find to reduce your bills is a great help. One way to do that is look for an electricity provider with a much better service at reasonable if not lower rates. You can always find a better one with the help of BillCheap. All you have to do is type in how much energy you use and your average monthly bill, and then you’ll be able to compare energy deals from different provider in order to get the best on for you.

2.      Air Purifier
There’s no telling how far air pollution can reach or have reached. That said, having an air purifier at home helps eliminate indoor pollution which is good if you have a family member with allergies or breathing problems.

3.      A Command Center
Aren’t you tired of looking for keys, receipts, remembering schedules, or not knowing where to keep mails? They may seem like trivial things but you’ll be surprised with how much time you waste on them. Having a corner in the house where you can keep things organized and segregate everything will make life so much easier.

4.      Lots Of Storage
This has to be the number one guilty pleasure of most moms; keeping the house clean and orderly is a lot easier when there’s enough room to store everything. Drawers, closets, garage, attic, and walk-in pantry are life.

5.      Well-Equipped Tool Box
While you can always call a plumber, carpenter, or electrician when something goes terribly wrong in the house. You don’t wanna do that with minor repairs. Not only that it costs you money for something so simple, do you really wanna live a life relying on strangers to fix everything in your home? Arm your home with a well-equipped tool box and learn how to do at least minor repairs. You didn’t just learn a new skill, you became self-sufficient too.

6.      First Aid Kit
This is almost the same with the tool box but more valuable. Because, well, going to the hospital for every tiny cuts, scratch, cold, fever, or headache is so inconvenient, costly, and odd don’t you think? Of course you should also know how to use every item in the kit; otherwise they’d be useless for you.

7.      “Me” Spot
Our home is our happy place. You know it’s a place where you can escape to if you’re having a bad day. But if you live with your family, even home can be chaotic, so it’s important that you have a spot where you can just relax and be by yourself.

8.      A Comfortable Lounge Area
This area is intended for the whole family to just bond and chill not to impress other people. So forget about those modern sharp looking lounge areas you see in catalogues.  Focus on building a room where everyone can be a bit messy but still be contented.

9.      Basic Kitchen Tools/Equipment
What is a home if you can’t even make a meal for your family because you don’t have the tools? Might as well live in a hotel room where you basically just sleep and shower in it and go out to eat. Even the famous chef, restaurateur, and TV personality Gordon Ramsay says you only need these core essential in the kitchen to cook great food.  

10. Creative Room

Life is not meant to be just work, eat, and sleep. Each and every member of the family has to be able to express their creative self because humans are creative beings. Take that away from us and we’re all just robots. Allotting a room for that in the house will encourage creativity.


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